The consultation is open to tenants and leaseholders of the council-owned high-rise blocks including members of their household, over the age of 16. It is also open to non-resident leaseholder who own an apartment in any of the blocks.
You may complete the survey on behalf of your friend or relative who resides or owns an apartment in the high-rise blocks. This must be a reflection of their views and not your own. No formal advocacy is required.
Once the consultation has completed we will review all the feedback, surveys and comments and where possible will be reflected in the final draft of the strategy. This will be presented back to Cabinet for approval and made available to all residents and non-resident owners of the high-rise blocks.
There are a number of ways you can help with safety in your building. The draft strategy will tell you more about this. An example may be by ensuring you only allow people you know access to the building, reporting any repairs that may affect the security of the building and reporting any incidents of ASB online.
In terms of building safety repairs, please report these as soon as you are aware.
Membership to the Building Safety Resident Group is open to all residents in the high-rise blocks, including tenant and leaseholder tenants and members of their households, over the age of 16.
Membership to the group is also open to non-resident leaseholders of high-rise blocks.
If you would like more information, please contact the Tenant Relations team:
Email – or leave a message on 01782 231172 about this during the consultation period.
We frequently arrange tenant groups in all kinds of subjects, such as
– Building and Fire Safety
– Anti-Social Behaviour
– Repairs
– Complaints
– Damp and Mould
– Block inspections.
If you are not interested in face-to-face meetings, you can get involved by taking in surveys or support by sharing your comments on new draft policy or strategy such as this.
If you would like more information, please contact the Tenant Relations team: Email – leave a telephone message on 01782 231172 about this during the consultation period.
Please use the following contacts:
– Repairs 01782 234100
– Housing Team 01782 234234
– Rough Sleepers 0800 970 2304
– Police 101 (for non-emergency)
You can email to report a building safety concern:
If your concern relates to ASB, please report either:
– Online:
– Email:
– Freephone: 0800 561 5610
As part of our safety management regime our estate officers carry out bi-weekly building inspections (ref. building inspection sheet). The outcome of these inspections, and any actions, are passed onto the relevant team and monitored as part of the bi-weekly visits until completion. The purpose of the building inspections is to ensure key safety features and issues are checked on a regular basis, this includes checking the following:
– Communal areas. Doors/Service cupboards/Utility cupboards.
– Lighting
– Stairs (including dry risers)
– Immediate surrounding area
– Secure Information Box (SIB)
– Lifts
– Fire panel
– Door Entry Systems
– Sprinkler systems and other fire stopping measures
We carry out annual Fire Risk Assessments and work with residents so they understand the emergency procedures.
In 2023, Cabinet approved in principle a redevelopment and investment programme to redevelopment ten of our tower blocks (Blurton – Pedley and Robinson Courts, Hanley – Boundary, Brookfield and Forest Courts, Stoke – Dibden, Penkhull and Southern Courts and Burslem – Arthur Cotton and Port Vale Courts).
This proposal was recognised as being a long term project taking up to 15-20 years to complete. In the meantime, the council is committed to maintaining and meeting its health and safety responsibilities and continues to maintain safety standards, inspect and carry out repairs to ensure the tower blocks remain safe.
This includes installing sprinkler systems, already installed at Dibden, Penkhull and Southern Courts. This planned investment work is to install sprinkler systems next at Boundary, Brookfield and Forest Courts. The sprinkler system installation programme will continue for the remaining blocks as long as those buildings are occupied.
Currently, the council continues to monitor and evaluate the condition of the blocks until more definitive plans have been made.
You can contact your Housing Officer, Estate Officer or ASB Officer about building safety concerns.