Empty Homes Survey
This survey has been sent out as the Empty Homes Team
have recently brought a property back into use in your area.
Who are the Empty Homes Team and what do they do?
Stoke on Trent City Council provides an Empty Homes Service to bring problematic private sector empty homes back into use.
Stoke on Trent City Council provides an Empty Homes Service to bring problematic private sector empty homes back into use.
Impact of Empty Homes
Empty homes can cause many different issues within a community. The team work with owners and partner agencies to help bring the house back to a good standard so that it can become a home again.
Did you know?
The average empty homes case from opening takes approximately 480 days to resolve and approximately 174 stages to reach its completion.
The average empty homes case from opening takes approximately 480 days to resolve and approximately 174 stages to reach its completion.
Empty home owners have invested over £1.8m following contact with the Empty Homes Team during this financial year.